This supplement has one downside — but you still need to take it

Biotin supplement

Biotin is a critical nutrient. It’s one of the B-vitamins, also known as B7. Biotin is especially important during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It’s also important for the health of your hair, skin and nails, which is why I put a lot of it in my Healthy Hair and Nails formula. But even though getting enough biotin is essential for good health, there is a problem with it. An article published just a few months ago in the Journal of the American Medical Association points out what could potentially be a serious issue for someone taking biotin supplements. It has to do with testing.

Many laboratory tests use antibodies that can interact with biotin. And that means that a high level of biotin in the blood due to taking a biotin supplement can alter the test results. This can cause the doctor reading the test to misinterpret the results. And occasionally, that misinterpretation can be serious. To find out more about the problem, scientists recently looked at the results of several tests that used the biotin-related techniques.

To do the experiment, the researchers performed the following thyroid tests in two women and four men: thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), total thyroxine (T4), total triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (free T4), and free triiodothyronine (free T3). They also analyzed four other tests: parathyroid hormone, prolactin, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (proBPN), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D3), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and ferritin (an iron test). Once they performed the tests, they gave each of the participants 10 mg of biotin every day. This is a dose that is very commonly found in over-the-counter supplements for healthy adults. Then, after a week of taking the supplements, they repeated the tests. Here’s what they discovered.

The biotin supplement altered the results of 39% of the tests. 63% tested falsely high, and 27% tested falsely low. Another test that is altered by taking biotin is troponin. When a patient is having a heart attack, one of the ways a doctor can tell is if there is an elevation in the blood levels of troponin. The FDA has recently reported that a patient who was taking high levels of biotin died when a troponin test failed to show he was having a heart attack. On the other hand, some patients have been incorrectly diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (elevated thyroid hormones) because of the way biotin altered the test results.

Earle Holmes, PhD, is a professor of molecular pharmacology and therapeutics at Loyola University School of Medicine. Dr. Holmes and his team reviewed 374 tests that run on some of the most popular lab testing machines in the U.S. He found that 221 of them use biotin related assays. Only about 80 of these tests came with instructions that indicated they could be skewed by extra biotin in a patient’s blood.

Notwithstanding the negative influence biotin can have on many tests, it’s a very important vitamin. For example, it’s critical for several enzymes known as carboxylases, which are important in energy production. When combined with chromium, biotin may help lower blood sugar levels in people with type-2 diabetes. And you also can use biotin supplements to decrease peripheral neuropathy. And you can use it therapeutically to treat MS (multiple sclerosis). One pilot study in 23 people with progressive MS tested the use of high doses of biotin. Over 90% of participants had some degree of clinical improvement. And, as I have already mentioned, biotin supplements are very effective at stopping hair loss and restoring healthy levels of hair re-growth.

Biotin is also incredibly safe. So, if you are benefiting by taking biotin supplements, don’t stop taking them. However, if you’re going to have some blood testing, no matter what the doctor is testing, my advice is to stop the biotin for a week before having the blood drawn. That way there will be no influence of the vitamin on the test results.

Source: Frank Shallenberger, MD

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia is not a disease, but a symptom. The brain and central nervous system derive their support from adequate supplies of blood sugar. Low blood sugar effects normal function of the brain and nervous system likely causing a range of problems from fatigue to convulsions (rare).

Possible symptoms of hypoglycemia:

  • Sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Moodiness
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Mental confusion
  • Depression
  • Inner trembling
  • Sleepiness
  • Manic behavior
  • Digestive issues
  • Irritability
  • Cold sweats
  • Dizziness
  • Alcoholism
  • Arthritis
  • Underachievement
  • PMS
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety/Panic attacks

A common low blood sugar symptom is anxiety which affects over 40 million Americans and can be difficult to treat. Other possible causes for anxiety range from caffeine use, dehydration, aspartame, MSG, food additives, nicotine, marijuana abuse, sugar consumption, traumatic events, and more. GABA is helpful, along with eating healthy unprocessed foods, staying hydrated, avoiding caffeine, sugar, and eating every three hours.

Often a blood glucose test doesn’t show hypoglycemia, however if you’re experiencing three or more of the above symptoms you may have some degree of low blood sugar.

One of the best ways to manage blood sugar is to eat every three hours having three meals and two to three snacks per day. Eating frequently also is a corner stone for weight loss! Avoid sugar and alcohol. Supplements like magnesium, Chromium, and B vitamins are helpful. Keep in mind hypoglycemia can lead to diabetes, so managing your blood sugar is important for your long-term health.

For more suggestions on natural ways to manage blood sugar call Trish at 303-257-0058

Weight Loss Success

An ongoing study of successful dieters reveals five habits most all have in common:Weight Loss Success

  • they eat breakfast,
  • weigh themselves regularly,
  • limit TV watching to ten hours per week,
  • take a brisk walk for an hour daily,
  • and watch what they eat, usually limiting calories and fat.

The research, conducted by the National Weight Control Registry established at Brown University and the University of Colorado, has looked at 10,000 men and women who lost an average 66 pounds and kept it off an average of six years.

Eating foods causing a sensitivity or intolerance reaction can trigger weight gain, energy loss, foggy head plus much more. It’s difficult to exercise if your energy is low.

Drinking filtered water, (half your body weight in ounces) keeps dehydration away, which contributes and can be the underlying cause of fatigue, high blood pressure, moodiness, memory problems, kidney stones, and much more.

Call Trish today to schedule a Food Sensitivity Testing appointment. Discover which foods may be negatively affecting your body.

12 Signs You Should Detox

A senior couple and a young woman are in a park setting, smiling towards the camera with their heads together. Horizontal shot.

A senior couple and a young woman are in a park setting, smiling towards the camera with their heads together. Horizontal shot.

According to Scientific American the average American consumes 18 pounds of chemicals per year! Chemicals are toxins consumed in the form of artificial food coloring, flavoring, emulsifiers, humectants, preservatives, chemical fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics and more. Toxic overload contributes to obesity, endometriosis, diabetes, autism, allergies, cancer and many other diseases.

Considering this information, it’s an important practice to detoxify a few times per year.

Listed below are 12 symptoms that may signal your body needs detoxing.

1.    Low energy – chronic fatigue
2.    Poor sleep or insomnia
3.    Digestive issues
4.    Foggy head – memory loss
5.    Weight gain
6.    Headaches/migraines
7.    Depression
8.    Muscle weakness
9.    Depression or moodiness
10.    Joint pain
11.    Poor libido
12.    PMS or hormonal imbalances

These symptoms can also be indications of other underlying issues including parasites, candida, bacterial, fungal or viral infections.

The Physics of Health can assist with a wellness overview, helping to establish the detoxing program that’s right for you. Call today to schedule your appointment 303-257-0058

The History of Homeopathy


Homeopathy is a system of medicine over 200 years old, with roots going back to Hippocrates. It is in widespread use and officially recognized in many countries, most notably in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Holland, Italy and India. There are homeopathic teaching hospitals located in the United Kingdom and India. Homeopathy has a long history in Canada and the United States, as well, though its popularity has declined with the emergence in the last 50 years of the so-called “wonder drugs.” However, as public concern over the disease effects (so-called “side-effects”) of these chemical drugs in crude doses has increased, interest has once again grown in the gentle, curative system of medicine known as homeopathy.

Where the prevailing medical system in North America generally works on the natural Law of Opposites (anti-biotics, anti-depressants, anti-histamines), homeopathic medicine works on the Law of Similars, which has been identified since Hippocrates’ time as the natural law of cure. The use of medicine on the basis of opposites only gives temporary relief or simply suppresses the disease, driving it deeper into the organism – it cannot cure.

Where allopathic (conventional) medicine does use the law of similars, it is inadvertent and the dose given is too strong, causing iatrogenic (meaning “doctor-caused”) diseases. For example, Ritalin is an amphetamine (speed) chemically identical to cocaine. Conventional medicine gives this “speed” to children they feel are “speeding,” or hyperactive. Radiation is one of the most horrific carcinogenic agents, yet it is used in cancer treatment. The concept is sound, but the dosage can be deadly at worst, or dangerous at best.

This is the way the artificial disease of the medicine is supposed to annihilate the natural disease. In a patient with hay fever symptoms, for example, an infinitesimal amount of the remedy Allium cepa (red onion) is used to cause a slight initial Homeopathic medicine uses minute amounts of substances that are similar to the symptoms of the disease. In exacerbation of symptoms, followed by relief of the symptoms.

The Law of Similars is, interestingly, the principle behind vaccinations. However, the dose and method of delivery commonly used by doctors poses a significant risk of harm to those being vaccinated. Conventional vaccinations involve crude doses of the microbe linked to the disease being vaccinated against, and the dose is injected directly into the blood stream, bypassing all of the natural defense mechanisms of the body. Thus, the body receives too strong a dose and too suddenly, creating a shock to the organism that can lead to reactions, from mild to severe, including death in some cases. The use of actual viral material also sets the body up for auto-immune disorders, a fact well documented in the research literature.

Along with the crude quantity of virus material injected directly into the person’s bloodstream, there are also the carrying agents in the vaccine fluid itself. It can contain acetone – used in nail polish removers and furniture strippers; thimerosal – a mercury-derivative outlawed for use in contact lens wetting solutions because it is a carcinogen; formaldehyde and other insidious substances.

Neurological complications

  • Paralysis
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
  • Facialis paralysis
  • Paralysis of the extremities
  • Landry syndrome (8)
  • Hypoglossus nerve paralysis (11)

Click For the full list of possible side effects

There is a belief generally that the usual flu vaccine is still worth it despite the obvious drawbacks. However, there is little or no acknowledgment of a safer and more effective alternative, mainly because of ignorance, prejudice and the power of drug companies (in terms of advertising and control over expensive research). There IS an alternative. Homeopathy – the safe, effective medicine.

Click for More Information on Vaccines in General

Drink water! And here’s why…

Your body contains about 11 gallons of water: Your blood is 85 percent water; your muscles 80 percent; your brain 75 percent and your bones are 25 percent water, which illustrates the importance water plays in your health.

Drinking 16 ounces of water can raise your metabolic rate by as much as 30 percent; a 2 percent level of dehydration has been shown to cause a 10 percent decrease in athletic performance.

When dehydrated, your brain shrinks in volume. This shrinking is what causes a dehydration headache. Even mild or temporary dehydration can alter your brain function and impact your mood.

Dehydration-induced effects such as sleepiness, fatigue, moodiness and confusion are easily reversed within 20 minutes of drinking some water. Cold water absorbs 20 percent faster than tepid water, so to increase the speed of recuperation, drink chilled water.

Weight Loss Tip:

Try not eating any carbs after 1 PM. Drink water (half your body weight in ounces) and do weight bearing exercise for 30 minutes, six days per week.

You’ll lose weight, build bone, sleep better, and have the satisfaction of taking care of your body, which is the vehicle for your soul. 🙂

In 1776, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, foretold a grim scenario that has now taken shape right before our eyes. He said:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”

Should You Be Asking For Antibiotics?

Should You Be Asking For Antibiotics

I’ve been warning clients about Floxacin antibiotics (like Cipro) for years…

Now, the FDA is warning against using a popular class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. They may cause sudden serious and potentially permanent nerve damage, called peripheral neuropathy.

Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics that are commonly used to treat a variety of illnesses such as respiratory and urinary tract infections. These medicines include ciprofloxacin, gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin. Their use is fairly prevalent, and in 2011 alone there were more than twenty-three million patients who were prescribed one of them

Read more

Action Step:
I made it easy by telling my doctor and pharmacist that I’m allergic to Floxacin antibiotics. There are many other types of antibiotics that are just as effective with no risk of permanent  damage to tendons and developing neuropathy among other serious side effects.

Silicone, Aluminum, Non-Stick Bakeware?


Recently I’ve had a lot of inquiries about silicone bakeware. There’s not a great deal of research, but in my opinion it’s not worth the risk. Here’s some of the possible problems:

Dangers of Silicone in Bakeware?

Again, any dangers are anecdotal at this point and not scientifically backed, but that doesn’t necessarily prove the safety of silicone.  Some potential dangers include:

  • The potential for leaching at high temperatures
  • Fillers used in lower-quality silicone
  • Potential odor during high-temperature use

These dangers are not proven and are reported only at high temperature use, but still worth investigating further.

Read the full article here

Graniteware for Baking

My personal choice for bakeware is Granite Ware or glass. Here’s why I like it:

  • Granite Ware Better Browning series is Made in USA
  • Carbon Steel core is more energy efficient and safer
  • Porcelain enamel surface is an inert, non-porous and naturally non-stick surface
  • No PFOA, PTFE or other harmful chemicals and are dishwasher safe
  • Carbon steel core provides excellent heat distribution
  • Naturally non-stick porcelain enamel surface
  • No harsh metals are used
  • Dishwasher and metal utensil safe

For cookware I use stainless steel, cast iron or glass. We don’t radiate (microwave) our food we use a toaster oven or reheat food on the stove top.

Detox Every Day For Abundant Health

Doing a detox once or twice a year can be an effective way to handle the movement of toxins out of the body. However, there are chemicals, heavy metals, antibiotics and hormones that are not so easily removed by doing a detox protocol.

What is the best way to detox? Avoid toxins every day by consuming organic real food that hasn’t been sprayed, injected or polluted by companies who don’t care about your health.

Here is a list of a dozen cancer-causing chemicals. Know what your consuming. Be your own health advocate.

These chemicals have been linked to cancer in numerous research studies. The Scientists at the Environmental Working Group published this list I added the uses.

Bisphenol A (BPA) – Used in baby bottles and on the inside of many food and beverage cans. Choose BPA free cans and avoid over handling of sales receipts. U.S., Europe and Canada have banned BPA from baby bottles and sippy cups.

Atrazine – Herbicide primarily used on corn. Banned in Europe and Switzerland where it’s produced.

Organophosphate pesticides – Used as the basis for many insecticides, herbicides and nerve agents. The EPA lists as highly toxic to humans, bees and wildlife.

Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) – Used in cosmetics, especially nail polish as a plasticizer also used in solvents, and plastics including children’s toys. Banned in Europe and Canada

Lead – Contained in car exhaust, cigarette smoke, wine from seals and linings of wine casts, lead pipes, lead paint, some hair dye, leaded crystal, some brands of toothpaste and lead glazed pottery.

Mercury –  Found in all fish at different levels. The highest levels are found in large long living fish such as tuna, sea bass, Mahi Mahi, swordfish and many others. Used in cosmetics as a preservative especially eye makeup. Dental amalgam fillings which are still used. Thimerosol contains mercury and can be used in flu vaccines.

PFC – Polyfluorochemicals – Used in nonstick cookware, microwave popcorn bags, sleeping bags, tents, and footwear.

Phthalates – Used in personal care products, including perfume, hair spray, soap, shampoo, nail polish, skin moisturizers, shower curtains, plastic wrap. Use organic or natural cosmetics. Cloth shower curtain liners are available. Reusable glass storage bowls instead of plastic is a healthier choice.

Diethlyhexyl Phthalate  – Used in cosmetics and toys, also used in resins and adhesives.

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) – Similar to PCBs. Found in electronics especially TVs also mattresses.

Triclosan – Used as a bactericide in personal care products such as toothpaste, deodorant, hand soap, laundry soap, fabric softeners, dishwashing soaps, sink mats and sponges. Anything listed as antibacterial. Studies have shown washing with plain soap is just as effective as antibacterial soaps containing Triclosan. Ecofriendly products using essential oils have natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and can be easily used in place of the chemical counterparts.

Nonylphenol (NP/NPE) – Used in paints, resins, protective coatings, pest control products, cleaning products and degreasers, hair dye and cosmetics. Banned in Europe and being phased out in Canada.

If daily intake of chemicals, hormones and antibiotics is avoided the liver has less to try and eliminate making it easier for the body to detoxify lower levels of what we encounter living our day to day lives.

Modern life has a sea of chemicals to navigate. The goal is to minimize exposure as much as possible but not to become neurotic. Make the common sense healthy choices that are available. Health wise you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

For more information about thriving not just surviving contact The Physics of Health 303-257-0058

Gravity Fighting Health Fact: After age 30, we lose up to 10 percent of our muscle mass per decade. Lifting weights is the only way to increase muscle and bone, as you age. Building muscle burns calories and fat for 24 hours after strength training. Imagine, burning calories for 24 hours after. There is no medication, calcium or diet that builds bone like weight bearing exercise, It works the best!

Food Sensitivity Testing

Gratitude Creates Better Health

Gratitude Creates Better Health

This Thanksgiving stop and really think about everything you have to be thankful for. Most everyone says they have a lot to be grateful for but have difficulty really embracing the feeling of gratitude.

Try making a list, it takes a few minutes but brings awareness to what matters most in life. It also brings clarity by appreciating and wanting what we have.

Some of the health benefits are:

A more positive mental outlook – Feeling grateful brings about changes in brain chemistry that affect emotions creating a better sense of well-being.

Better relationships with family and friends – Gratitude for family and friends enhances feelings of love and appreciation. Taking our cherished ones for granted is an enemy to healthy relationships.

Immune system booster – Optimists typically are grateful people and have higher numbers of blood cells that help boost the immune system. I’ve not met a pessimist who was big on gratitude, have you?

Reduces stress – Feeling grateful can replace feelings of being a victim, or “I’ll be happy when.” Not having negative feelings reduces stress. Many scientist have said, happy thoughts make happy (brain) chemicals. Sad thoughts make sad chemicals. So keep your thoughts positive. We are all responsible for the type energy we create, so create some good energy.

Better Sleep – Happier less stressed people sleep better.

Every Thanksgiving our family and friends go around the table and everyone shares what they’re thankful for. (I love listening to what the kids are thankful for). Every year it’s inspiring to hear gratitude for very simple things to life altering events. This is a Thanksgiving ritual I treasure each year as it helps me to be clear on what’s really important.

Read more from the Harvard Medical School on Gratitude

And these thought provoking gratitude quotes