Drink water! And here’s why…

Your body contains about 11 gallons of water: Your blood is 85 percent water; your muscles 80 percent; your brain 75 percent and your bones are 25 percent water, which illustrates the importance water plays in your health.

Drinking 16 ounces of water can raise your metabolic rate by as much as 30 percent; a 2 percent level of dehydration has been shown to cause a 10 percent decrease in athletic performance.

When dehydrated, your brain shrinks in volume. This shrinking is what causes a dehydration headache. Even mild or temporary dehydration can alter your brain function and impact your mood.

Dehydration-induced effects such as sleepiness, fatigue, moodiness and confusion are easily reversed within 20 minutes of drinking some water. Cold water absorbs 20 percent faster than tepid water, so to increase the speed of recuperation, drink chilled water.

Weight Loss Tip:

Try not eating any carbs after 1 PM. Drink water (half your body weight in ounces) and do weight bearing exercise for 30 minutes, six days per week.

You’ll lose weight, build bone, sleep better, and have the satisfaction of taking care of your body, which is the vehicle for your soul. 🙂

In 1776, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, foretold a grim scenario that has now taken shape right before our eyes. He said:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”