Weight Loss Success

An ongoing study of successful dieters reveals five habits most all have in common:Weight Loss Success

  • they eat breakfast,
  • weigh themselves regularly,
  • limit TV watching to ten hours per week,
  • take a brisk walk for an hour daily,
  • and watch what they eat, usually limiting calories and fat.

The research, conducted by the National Weight Control Registry established at Brown University and the University of Colorado, has looked at 10,000 men and women who lost an average 66 pounds and kept it off an average of six years.

Eating foods causing a sensitivity or intolerance reaction can trigger weight gain, energy loss, foggy head plus much more. It’s difficult to exercise if your energy is low.

Drinking filtered water, (half your body weight in ounces) keeps dehydration away, which contributes and can be the underlying cause of fatigue, high blood pressure, moodiness, memory problems, kidney stones, and much more.

Call Trish today to schedule a Food Sensitivity Testing appointment. Discover which foods may be negatively affecting your body.